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This is Blowback's new record LIES.
We've taken the liberty of identifying the people on the cover for you.

1. Kenneth Lay
2. Condoleeza Rice
3. Dennis Hastert
4. Henry Kissinger
5. Carol Moseley Braun
6. The Resident Asshole a.k.a. George W. Bush
7. Donnie Rumsfeld
8. Saddam Hussein
9. Tawana Brawley
10. Ari Fleischer
11. Ariel Sharon
12. Augusto Pinochet
13. Dick Cheney

14. Benjamin Franklin/Enron

15. Franklin Graham
16. Dubya
17. John Chamberlin of HealthSouth
18. Ed Fischer the child molester
19. Officer Nice
20. Joel Gordon of HealthSouth
21. George Tenet
22. Paul Wolfowitz
23. Gary Leon Ridgway
24. Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf
25. Martha Stewart
26. Kobe Bryant
27. Tom Delay
28. Haley Barbour
29. Tom Clancy
30. The F-18