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BLOWBACK Band Photos
"Blowback" is a CIA term for the unintended consequences of intelligence operations. The attacks on the World Trade Center, Bin Laden, the Mujahideen, and the killings of numerous US citizens are all examples of blowback -- the vultures of CIA operations abroad coming home to roost.

The band BLOWBACK formed in Washington DC in the wake of the elections of 2000 by friends and former members of the Colombian Neckties (Charleston SC) and Rugburn (DC). Now, they do most of their work cross-country, but continue to use DC as a home base.

BLOWBACK often performs at political convergences and rallies, having blasted unsuspecting crowds of 10,000+ at numerous protests, political conventions and impromptu concerts in front of the Dept. of Justice, FBI and even in Farragut Square during a city-wide shutdown. BLOWBACK has organized and delivered a number of petition drives to Capitol Hill, including grassroots actions to bring Pinochet to justice and repeal the Patriot Act.

Their songs have found their way into film ("Bodybags", featured in the Sundance award-winning What Alice Found), national landmarks (a reworking of the labor song "We Shall Not Be Moved", featured in the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site) and TV ("Fuck War", debuted at an anti-globalization rally at the Washington Monument and broadcast by C-SPAN, curiously unedited).

BOB III-bass, guitar
JOHN SON- drums
SEÑOR-guitar, bass

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