03/19/04: Post by BORDERTEX
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Are these some of the pigs you will be marching with this protest season as you call it?This article on the history of how a gang of thieves and robbers established their very own Kingdom on the Arabian Peninsula. It was written by Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed, a rival Islamist in London. Saudism & Wahabism(source: http://www.obm.clara.net/arabia-3.html)In 1740, Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab (his father was a judge) calledon Muslims to return to the original form of Islam (in accordance with hisunderstanding) but the scholars of the Islamic state at that time (i.e. ofthe Ottomani Khilafah) rejected some of his views because they appeared tocontradict the divine texts and the views of the classical scholars of themain (Mazaahib) schools of thought in Islam i.e. those of Hanafi, Maliki,Shafi'ie and Hanbali. Then he started to abuse the Islamic schools ofthought and labeled those who disagreed with him as Murtadd (apostate), orMushrik (polytheist). Initially he was disciplined by the scholars and wasto face prosecution. He then sought protection in the town of Diriyah,which was ruled unlawfully by the rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud, head ofAl-A'nnza tribe and a member of the prominent Al-Saud family, an enemy ofthe Ottomani Khilafah. The partnership between these two men eventuallyled to the foundation of so-called Saudi Arabia today.1740-1747, Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab was preaching his views andseverely criticising and attacking the Ottomani Khilafah. This continuousattack was beautiful music to the ears of the rebellious Muhammad BinSaud.In 1747, The Amir Muhammad Bin Saud declared full support and adoption ofSheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhaabs ideas and views. This led to theformulation of a tribal authority (Imaarah Qabaliyyah) under the politicalleadership of the rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud and the Spiritualleadership of Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhaab. The Sheikh was callingfor and teaching his views i.e. the Wahhabi Mazhab or School of thought,while the rebellious Muhammad Ibn-Saud was ruling and judging with them.(The scholars refer to this alliance as the Wahhabi Movement).1747-1755, The Wahhabi movement spread its authority under the leadershipof the rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud. They raided and controlled manyvillages while forcing the Wahhabi views.In 1755, British forces tried to occupy Kuwait but failed.In 1757, the rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud defeated the Amir of Al-Ihsaacity and controlled the Whole of Diriyah.In 1765, The rebellious Muhammad Bin Saud died; his son Abdul-Azizsucceeded him.In 1765, Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad, became the pirate leader of Al-Diriyahand head of the A'nnza tribe..In 1767, The Wahhabi movement started to move towards controlling Arabia.In 1786, British forces tried to occupy Kuwait again but failed due to thetactical defending of the army of the Ottomani Khilafah.In 1787, Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad In a large public gathering chaired bySheikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahaab, formed a new type of inherited authority(Wilayat ul-A'hed) based on the Wahhabi views and declared himself leaderof the Muslims (while the true leader was the Khaleef who was inIstanbul). Then the pirate leader Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad appointed hisson Saud as the Khalifah after him. Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahaabagreed to this illegitimate pirate authority and passed his illegitimateFatwa of Jihad against the Ottomani Khilafah.In 1788, The pirate leader Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad with the military helpof the British prepared a huge army of Wahhabis with British forces,attacked Kuwait and occupied it (this was offered as a gift to Britain whohad failed many times in this task). The Al-Saud family ruled much of theArabian Peninsula.1788-1791, The Army of The pirate leader Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad i.e. theWahhabi movement attacked most of the Muslims who differed with theirviews. They waged a war of so-called Jihad against the governors andsoldiers of The Islamic State (Ottomani Khilafah). Thereafter theysucceeding occupying Medinah, Kuwait, Iraq and part of Damascus ( andthousands of innocent Muslims were killed because they were Shi'a, Hanafior followers of other Islamic Mazahib: The irony was that those Muslimswere labeled as Mushriks whilst most of the forces with the Wahhabimovement were British crusaders!).In 1792, Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhaab died. His son succeeded him asthe Spiritual leader of the Wahhabi movement.1792-1810, The Wahhabi movement with the help of the British forcescontrolled many countries up to Damascus. This rise to power alarmed theOttomani Khilafah which was already facing massive attacks from westernand eastern forces in different parts of the world. However, because ofthe huge conspiracy of the Wahhabi movement and Aal-Saud and their scaleof attacks against Islam and Muslims it left the Ottomani Khilafah with nochoice but to send forth its armies to contain the influence of theWahhabi movement and their alliance.In 1811, The army of the Ottomani Khilafah under the command of thegovernor of Egypt, Muhammad Ali paasha declared war against Abdul-Aziz BinMuhammad and his Wahhabi movement. The governor of Egypt sent armies withhis son Tosoun paasha to liberate Medinah.In 1812, Tosoun paasha defeated the army of Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad andliberated Medinah.In 1815, The governor of Egypt sent armies under the command of his secondson: Ibraheem paasha to liberate Damascus, Iraq and Kuwait.In 1816, The army of Ibraheem paasha defeated the army of Abdul-Aziz BinMuhammad and the Wahhabi movement in Medinah, Iraq and Kuwait andliberated them.In 1817, The army of Ibraheem paasha chased the soldiers of the Wahhabimovement up to their pirate capital Al-Diriyah.In April 1818 the army of Ibraheem paasha surrounded the last strongholdof Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad and the Wahhabi movement in Al-Diriyah for thewhole summer until the 9th of September 1818 when the Wahhabis surrenderedthemselves. Ibraheem paasha ordered his soldiers to destroy the whole cityof Al-Diriyah and they did it. However the Aal-Saud family and the head ofthe A'nnza tribe Abdul-Aziz Bin Muhammad were protected by the Britishsoldiers in Jeddah. Most of the Wahhabis including the son of SheikhMuhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab ran away to Riyadh. The Soldiers of the Islamicstate (Ottomani Khilafah) ultimately captured Al-Diriyah, thus ending thefirst phase of the rebellion of Al-Saud in 1818.1824-1864, The remaining followers of the Wahhabi movement builtthemselves up and rose again under the leadership of Abdul-Rahman BinAbdul-Aziz.1865-1891, The Wahhabi movement under the leadership of Abdul-Rahman binAbdul-Aziz tried to get power over all tribes in Riyadh in order to fightthe governor (Aal-Rasheed) of The Islamic State (Ottomani Khilafah). Theytried to get political power in Riyadh, which was located close to theirold stronghold Al-Diriyah. But this uprising caused unrest which led totribal warfare which lasted for over 25 years and resulted in the governorof the Islamic State (Ottomani Khilafah) Aal-Rasheed resisting thisinternal uprising while the British and western forces were stillhammering against the Ottomani Khilafah..In 1891, The governor of The Ottomani Khilafah forced Abdul-Rahman andAl-Saud into exile. Al-Saud and the rest of the Wahhabi movement lived onthe borders of the desert of the Empty Quarter (Al-Rebi' Al-Khaali) beforesettling in Kuwait.1892-1900, Abdul-Rahman died, and his son Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman andthe rest of the Wahhabi movement lived in Kuwait.In 1901, Twenty-one-year-old Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Saud leftKuwait, determined to fight along-side the British forces against theIslamic state in order to get power over all of the territory onceoccupied by his pirate forefathers and to extend his occupation over theholy cities of Makkah and Medinah.In 1902, The Exiled Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman Al-Saud and his gangsters(the Wahhabi movement) stormed Riyadh and shot and killed the Wali (thegovernor of the Khilafah:Aal-Rasheed) as another gift for Britain. Thisevent marked the beginning of the formation of the pirate kingdom of SaudiArabia.1902-1913, After establishing Riyadh as his headquarters, Abdul Azizproceeded, over the following decades side to side with the Britishsoldiers to loot and kill the soldiers and supporters of The OttomaniKhilafah and he succeeded in many cities.In 1914, Britain started to send a stream of agents (including William H.Shakespeare, Harry St. John Philby and Percy Cox) to woo and encourageAbdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman in her task on the Arabian front. Abdul-AzizBin Abdul-Rahman's campaign was one of sabotage and stabbing in the back,it was never face-to-face confrontation.In 1915, Britain dispatched an agent by the name of William H. Shakespeareas a close advisor to Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman. The soldiers of theKhaleefah killed William alongside some Wahhabi conspirators.In 1915, Britain dispatched another agent by the name of Harry St. JohnPhilby, who soon appeared in full Arab dress on top of a camel withAbdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman as a saudi warrior. Philby was called byAbdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman the "new star of Arab firmament". Philby inreturn described Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman as the Arabs "man of destiny"however Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman was the arch political sell-out, manytimes offering to sell himself to the British. He once said to Philby, "Ifanyone offered me a million pounds I would give him all the concessions hewants".In December 1915 the Anglo-Saud friendship treaty was concluded. Thistreaty made the house of Saud an outpost of the British Empire. Britainwas given trading privileges and was superintendent of Saudi foreignpolicy. A guarantee of British military protection and arms supplies endedthe Khaleefah's authority in central Arabia.In 1916, Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman received from the British 1300 guns,10,000 rupees and 20,000 pieces of gold in cash.1917-1926, Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman and his organised Wahhabi gangstersin military style and with the help of the British soldiers succeeded incontrolling the Whole of Arabia i.e. Najd and Hijaz.In On 8 January 1926 Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman ( Known as Ibn-Saud) wasself-proclaimed king of Arabia. King Abdul-Aziz was embroiled indiscussions with the British representative, Percy Cox, for thedetermination of the borders of the new entity. The British Public Recordsdescribed king Abdul-Aziz's demeaning stature at these meetings "like anaughty schoolboy" in front of Cox. When Cox insisted it was his decisionas to the frontiers between Kuwait, "Ibn-Saud almost broke down andpathetically remarked that Sir Percy was like his father and mother whomade him and raised him from nothing... and he would surrender half hisKingdom, nay the whole, if Sir Percy ordered. Cox took out a map andpencil and drew a line of the frontier of Arabia". Surely no Muslim canever read such a statement except with abject shame at the way the sacredsites of Makkah and Medinah and the land of Hijaaz were put in the handsof a family with such debased and dishonorable pedigree.1926-1932, King Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman (Ibn-Saud) courted the Britishunashamedly, showing sublime affection towards Britain's envoys. Heoffered to put Arabia under their control. For his loyalty to the Britishcrown, like so many other British agents, Ibn Saud was awarded aknighthood (presented to him by his self-proclaimed "father and mother"Percy Cox) and British documents referred to him as "Sir" Abdul Aziz BinSaud for many years afterwards.In On September 23, 1932 the self appointed king, Sir Abdul-Aziz BinAbdul-Rahman replaced the names of Najd and Hijaaz by the Kingdom of SaudiArabia and he laid the foundations of the current Pirate state.In 1953, The pirate king Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdul-Rahman died.In 1953, Saud the eldest son of Abdul Aziz Succeeded the throne upon hisfather's death and became king.In 1957, King Saud made the first trip by a Saudi monarch to the UnitedStates.In 1962, Saudi Arabia by special request of the British governmentsponsored an international Islamic conference, which ed the MuslimWorld League, which has its headquarters in Makkah.In 1964, King Saud Bin Abdul-Aziz died.In 1964, Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz became king.In 1971, King Faisal by special request of the British government was acentral force behind the establishment of the Organization of the IslamicConference (the OIC) in Jeddah.In 1975, King Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz was killed by his brother Fahd (Thecurrent king).In 1975, Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz became king.In 1982, King Khalid was poisoned by his brother Fahd (The current king)In 1982, Fahd became king.1982-1997, Until today King Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz is the pirate ruler of thepirate state of so-called Saudi-Arabia.Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad
Eyad wrote: