02/04/03: Post by Franklin
Posted by: BLOWBACK
AND CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GOP AND THE RESIDENT!!!(from today's NY TIMES)Bush's $2.2 Trillion Budget Proposes Record DeficitsBy ELISABETH BUMILLERASHINGTON, Feb. 3 President Bush sent Congress a $2.23 trillion budget today with record deficits that would speed up billions of dollars in income tax cuts, provide huge increases for the Pentagon and offer a modest jump in spending for NASA.Mr. Bush's budget forecasts a deficit of $304 billion in the current fiscal year, and projects a deficit of $307 billion for the 2004 fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1. Over the next five years the total projected deficit would be more than $1 trillion, a potentially problematic number for Mr. Bush, who as a presidential candidate vowed that he could both cut taxes and eliminate the national debt.