Craig, I must agree with you on one point. We should be giving our music away for free. Actually, it's what we've been doing all along. We have yet to make a penny on any music we've put out, and we probably never will. We've paid for our own recording, mixing, mastering, marketing, tours, transportation, meals, lodging, gas, etc, etc, etc. The most money we've ever made as a band was from a show we were cancelled from doing. Carlos sent a flyer to the club owner that was deemed "too political" (please see goto the bottom, click Northeat Tour #2-April 2002 and scroll down to see the "controversial" flyer) I believe the owner gave us $100 for our troubles after we'd paid to ferry all our gear out to that sorry shithole. If you think we're in this for the money please feel free to come heckle us at our next paying gig. Or better yet, come to our next gig with everyone you know and I will personally give each and every friend, foe or family member a copy of our CD. FOR FREE!!! They're taking up space in my kitchen, I need to get them out of here NOW!!!ThanksP.S. Sincerely, I do appreciate your participation in the debates on this site and your interesting, articulate, well informed information. This is what we invisioned when we setup this forum and are happy to have people like you participating. Please feel free to voice your opinion.BIII