It has already prevented the truth-telling process that was underway in Colombia, through which many of the president's friends were falling. So it appears to be a pretty astute move on the part of the president, unless the USA commits to the truth-telling-about-the-atrocities part.
06/23/08 00:46:12
What a scandal! The NYT didn't even mention the possible purpose of preventing release of information that could topple our biggest partner in the drug war. NYT is generally not a fan of the drug war, corrupt murderous governments or human rights abuses. I guess the omissions were out of deference to our strong national security interests in keeping despots in power throughout the region to prevent the spread of socialism that could take away hundreds of millions of potential consumers of our products, and to maintain complete freedom to place any burden or inflict any injury we want on the people and seize any of their resources we desire.
06/23/08 00:46:42
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