09/28/02: Post by Missy
Posted by: BLOWBACK
ALRIGHT BOB...first of all...if you want to get onstage...in front of America, why would you stand up in front of a huge crowd, and all of those watching and make it so NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND? Sorry that you're not bright enough to get this understanding. Sure, that was "old punk" but that's not my point at all. This band was trying to get a message across America. If you don't understand what they're saying, how would they ever get the message? UNDERSTAND NOW?? Or...would you like me to explain the rest of the things I said. I'm only 15. I'm sure you can do it on your own! :) Also, old punk bands...didn't make fools of themselfs. Don't worry...I didn't listen long. I only listened 'til I proved myself that I was right about this band.