09/28/02: Post by Calvin
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Gentlemen, i must say that i am open minded to many things all though i consider myself a conservative i truly believe in majority rule with minority rights but what you guys are bitching about is ludicrous. do yourselves a favor quit complaining and take the seventy five bucks you made selling your crappy cds and learn how to play your instruments. i respect bands because being a musician is not something everyone can do but just play your shitty music and leave polotics to the politicians. there a hell of alot smarter than you from what i have seen today on cnn.by the way i was at college on september 11th 2001 and i lived the horror the way many americans did. maybe if you didnt live in trailers without electricity you would no what is going on in our world and give up your damn tree fucking hippie ways. in closing 1234 your a rip offs of GWAR 5678 your pregnancy should have been terminate.