The Gaia Hypothesis

From Myth to 21st Century science . .

Today there is a growing hypothesis circling the globe:

"Our Planet - Mother Earth - is a Living Being
and all life forms are her offspring."

We stand naked in time and space,
Illuminated only by the light of our own self-knowledge.

Can we plug into and attune to an even greater universal knowledge?

Can we Humans come to a deeper understanding
of the source from which we spring?

When working together for the benefit of the ecosystem as a whole, we blend in, to co-create and become dynamically one at the heart and mind of Gaia and beyond - by intelligently and intuitively aligning with her and her virtuous fecundity.

Opening into the new century, our greatest challenge is to understand, appreciate and feel our intimate relationship with Our Planet, Her peoples, Her Flora and Fauna and to strive to resolve all conflicts, especially those of greed, war, hunger, disease and suffering.

We must set about to renew and re-energise our water, clean up our air supply, afforest ourbarren marginal land and deserts with greenery and colour, and eliminate all toxic andharmful residues.

For we big brained creatures are a vital part of the created and future evolutionary growthof Our Planet, Gaia.

The study of ourselves as a conscious assembly of Gaia's elements revealsour inner relationship to the whole of creation, where we may open up and reconnectwith our Cosmic inheritance.

As physical Beings of Conscious Essence,
We can embark on a Magnificent Quest,
Co-existing with Mother Earth...
Potentially Seeding our Solar System

- going Galactic -

and Beyond with Intelligence and Life..

Working in harmony with Nature, our growth and transformation can evolveus beyond Gaia, into the cosmic whole and possibly home.

This is the most wonderful challenge to befall us!

For we, each one of us, are an assemblage of the Big Bang and over time we've emerged fromMother Earth wearing bodies and are now making the connection with where we have come from.

We are the Universe finally discovering itself.

For the first time in Ages.

"Is it not written in your law?
I have said, 'You are Gods'"

John 10:34 The Bible

The Gaia hypothesis does not conflict with any of the major schools of religious thought:Christ, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, Moses, Zarathustra, Mohammed and Baha'u'llahmay have been among the first blossoming flowers of Gaia.

In reflecting on the work of Plato and Pythagoras, we find their themes"know thyself (microcosm) and you will know the Universe (macrocosm)"particularly relevant in the understanding of this hypothesis.


.. if Gaia has squeezed us out of her planetary body and we can havean 'out of the body' experience what does this make us?

Does this mean we are more than we think we are?

And where does the essence of a rose go?'


Gaia as the Ancient Greeks Saw Her

What Is Gaia?
Text by James Lovelock

Books by Lovelock:

Gaia A New Look at Planet Earth
(Oxford University Press)
The Ages of Gaia (Oxford University Press)
The Practical Science of Planetary Medicine (Allen and Unwin)

The Gaia Atlas of Planet Management
Edited by Norman Myers (Pan Books)

If you are practical, intelligent, have a good heart and wish to assist positive change, this superb book is for you. Solutions for a planetary society of tomorrow today.

Earthdance 432- page book
by Elisabet Sahtouris. ISBN: 0-595-13067-4 available at
CDRom 90 minutes. Crises as Opportunity: An Evolutionary Leap of Humanity

Gaia: A Way of Knowing

Edited by William Irwin Thompson
(Lindisfarne Press)

* Acupuncture Meridians / Ley Lines: [Back]

Stonehenge, Glastonbury, The Great Pyramids of Egypt and many Cathedrals of Europeare situated along these Universal Lines of Invisible Force.

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