12/31/02: Post by Robert Anton Wilson
Posted by: BLOWBACK
The Piss PoliceAnd the Beast said,"By their pee shall ye judge them,And by your pee shall ye be judged,And all shall be judged by their pee,And in the snow shall their names be written."--- Abdul Alhazred, The TSOGonomiconHow, how, how did we ever get ourselves in a predicament where an Oriental-style despot controls American medicine and most doctors fear to prescribe what they think best for their patients? Why, more than 200 years after a war to liberate ourselves from a half-mad king, have we allowed our lives and health to come under the rule of a totally mad Tsar? And has this monstrous tumor destroyed the Constitution only "by accident," or did its creators have that intent all along?Well, here's my theory:Most people think the TSOG (Tsarist Occupation Government) began its infestation of America with Bushware 1.0, when he appointed a Tsar to discombobulate our previously "demO-kratic form of gubment;" but Bush had a long C.I.A. career behind him and the C.I.A. had a long, long Tsarist history before they came out in the open with a public and blatant Tsar--a functionary not endowed or permitted by any clause in our Constitution.Actually, the TSOG began replacing representative democracy in the U.S. way back in 1945, when Gen. Rheinhard Gehlen, Hitler's Chief of Soviet Intelligence, surrendered to the U.S. Army after first prudently burying several truckloads of "inside information" about the Soviet Union at a secret location. (The Cold War began before World War II ended; they just didn't bother to tell the serfs like you and me about it until 1947.)Gehlen ranks as not only a master spy but a wizard negotiator. Within a week, he got out of his Nazi uniform and into a U.S. Army General's uniform; the U.S. intelligence services, in return, got the info about the Soviets, including access to Gehlen's agents in the Soviet government--a group of Mystical Tsarists who had infiltrated both the Red Army and the KGB.You see, their leader and Gehlen's major "asset," General Andrei Vlassov, had a fervent belief, not just in common or garden-variety Tsarism, but especially in the "mystical Tsarism" espoused in the latter half of the 19th Century by the anti-Semitic novelist Dostoyevsky and even more by Konstantin Pobedonostsev, an advisor to two Tsars (Alexander III and Nicholas II).Pobedonostsev, popularly called "The Grand Inquisitor" because of the vast platoons of spies, snoops, agents provocateur and informers he unleashed upon the Russian people, combined theological obsessions with reactionary politics, always an explosive and nefarious mixture."Mystical Tsarism," a holy religion, or crazy superstition--as you will--has two major tenets: (1) The Tsar is guided by God and can do no wrong, and (2) Reason is "cold" and inhuman, faith is "warm" and human; therefore we should ignore reason and guide ourselves by faith in the Tsar, our "Little Father." I don't think any of Pobedonostsev's crew actually believed in the Tooth Fairy, though.Besides, Roman Catholics of the old school have similar attitudes, but merely prefer a Pope to do their thinking for them instead of a Tsar, and most of us consider them sane, but just "dumb."Gen. Gehlen and Gen. Vlassov formed what became the Gehlenapparat, the CIA's main source of info on Soviet affairs; Gehlen became the fulcrum of the CIA's "Soviet penetration" sector, working under James Jesus Angleton, Chief of Counter-Intelligence, breeder of prize orchids, lover of the arts, and a devout Roman Catholic.Since the U.S. government based its foreign policies on C.I.A. reports, and the C.I.A. based its Soviet reports on Gehlen and some other former Nazis, plus a crew of Mystical Tsarists, as filtered and interpreted by a Papist intellectual, the U.S. government's ideas and actions became increasingly "weird," bizarre and frightening, in the view of the rest of the world. The results after 50 years seem very sad and very funny. In a nutshell, most of the world thinks we've gone batshit crazy. "Tsarists and Nazis and spooks, oh my!"Although James Jesus Angleton was Gehlen's alleged supervisor, data indicates that the Gehlenapparat engaged in many activities, including kidnapping, extortion, murder, etc. about which Angleton either did not know or devoutly did not want to know.But James J. Angleton seems a pathological case of some sort himself; he often hid his middle name because it revealed his half-Hispanic genes. An exceptionally intelligent and sensitive student of modern literature while at Yale, Angleton adored T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, I.A. Richards, e e cummings and other SuperStars of Modernism; he met most of them personally. They collectively influenced Angleton's fascination with multiple perspectives, labyrinthine ambiguity and the eternal uncertainty of all inferences and "interpretations."These modernist tendencies, which also appeared in science and philosophy at the same time, blossomed into obsessions and, perhaps, raging madness when Angleton systematically applied them to the spy-game. After all, modernism really dawned with Wilde's "The Reality of Masks" and Yeats's hermetic mystique that the world we know emerges from interactions of Mask, Anti-Mask, Self, and Anti-Self: which may or may not fit all of us or all the world but certainly fits the world of spooks and snoops that Angleton created.Another C.I.A. officer, Edward Petty, described Angleton as "a lone wolf" and "a strange bird"; every other source I have found bluntly calls him "paranoid." He suspected everybody else in the C.I.A., and in "our" government generally, of being KGB moles, and operated with so much modernist ambiguity and hidden trapdoors that, in Petty's words, "nobody really knows" what plots he hatched most of the time. In short, he became as esoteric as the poets he admired, and remade the C.I.A. and, increasingly, our whole nation into a theatre of impenetrable mystery: a carnival Crazy House, an infinity of mirrors, a Chinese puzzle with no solution...http://www.newfalcon.com/books/tsog.htm
12/30/02: Post by Franklin
Posted by: BLOWBACK
"Bob" is just soooo "tricky.""Wow"Thanks for the words Twynkie. Believe it or not, the pictures are supposed to look that way.
12/30/02: Post by Twynkie
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Man....whoever you have taking your pic's blows ass...unless they are supposed to be all blurry and shitty....oh and you seriously need to make a trip to knoxville tennessee....we need good music down here that makes sense...not this pussy emo-crap....you guys rule ass...
12/30/02: Post by Bob
Posted by: BLOWBACK
You're getting close FOOL, pop a Ritalin and try and concentrate, you may be able to figure out my secret identity yet. Let's see what crazy diatribe the FOOL can entertain us with now. It'll probably have something to do with his favorite topic, smoking from the bong.
12/30/02: Post by Franklin
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Wow! We've got a really clever visitor who posts messages under the guise of conversation participants. The ingenuity of such a ruse is just breathtaking!
12/30/02: Post by Bob
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Oh, and also...Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa. Boo hoo, hoo, hoo!!!!
12/29/02: Post by Franklin
Posted by: BLOWBACK
BTW, we do not have 501 (c)(3) status - but hope to obtain it in the future and we do not endorse any political party as a band, as of yet. Everyone, including band members, are encouraged to express their personal beliefs. Don't waste this right; I believe that many are salivating for the chance to take it from you.
12/29/02: Post by Franklin
Posted by: BLOWBACK
I liked Juan's parable below even though I do not think I agree with it. Thanks for sharing that.My initial reaction is that the parable reflects the way the tax system is supposed to work. But I don't think that's how it actually works. We may have to delve into statistics to settle that. Are you game, Juan?
12/28/02: Post by 501(C)(3)Police
Posted by: BLOWBACK
It appears, according to your Webmaster that you are endorsing political parties which is a violation of your 501(C)(3) status. Until we can figure out a way to fine the NAACP, which has been in violation for many years now, we are unable to fine you. Please cease and desist immediately with your blatant support of the political parties as described by your Webmaster.
12/28/02: Post by BIII
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Right on hack. You are always on the money with your views and opinions. Keep up the good work!
12/28/02: Post by Bob...I mean FOOL
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Drool, drool, drool... Duh,...uhhh...has anyone seen my poker??? My bong is clogged again. Kinda like my creative thought processes. (as if I ever had any) Wow dude... I just got a head rush while trying to scratch my butt with this... Cool!!! My poker!!! Life is good again. I guess I can go back to being just Bob instead of my new secret name FOOL, although it is fun to claim that I wrote someone elses message under my fake name FOOL. Alas, Bob is my true identity and I probably am not fooling anyone anyway. Why do you think they call it dope?
12/28/02: Post by FOOL
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Oh, and yes I was writing because I was all alone again on a Friday night.
12/28/02: Post by FOOL
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Once again, just want to inform all, I wrote messages 284-286. Yes It's true I am one person. I am The FOOL.
12/28/02: Post by Juan
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Here is an excellent lesson in democracy as it is now being perverted in America, particularly by the left wing of the Democratic Party.Over lunch two friends were discussing the government's recent round oftax cuts:"I'm opposed to those tax cuts," the retired college instructordeclared, "because they benefit the rich. The rich get much moremoney back than ordinary taxpayers like you and me and that's notfair.""But the rich pay more in the first place," the businessman argued, "so itstands to reason that they'd get more money back."He could tell that his friend was unimpressed by this meager argument.Even college instructors are a prisoner of the myth that the "rich"somehow get a free ride in America. Nothing could be further fromthe truth.Let's put tax cuts in terms everyone can understand. Suppose that everyday ten men go to a restaurant for dinner. The bill for all ten comes to$100. If it were paid the way we pay our taxes, the first four men wouldpay nothing; the fifth would pay $1; the sixth would pay $3; the seventh $7;the eighth $12; the ninth $18. The tenth man (the richest) would pay$59.The ten men ate dinner in the restaurant every day and seemed quitehappy with the arrangement until the owner threw them a curve."Since you're all such good customers, he said, Im going to reduce thecost of your daily meal by $20. " Now dinner for the 10 only costs $80.The first four are unaffected; they still eat for free. Can youfigure out how to divvy up the $20 savings among the remaining six sothat everyone gets his fair share?The men realize that $20 divided by 6 is $3.33, but if they subtract thatfrom everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would end upbeing paid to eat their meal.The restaurant owner proceeded to work out the amounts each should payunder the same assumptions:Now the fifth man also paid nothing, the sixth pitched in $2, the seventhpaid $5, the eighth paid $9, and the ninth paid $12 leaving the tenth manwith a bill of $52 instead of $59.Outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. "I only gota dollar out the $20," complained the sixth man, pointing to the tenth,"and he got $7!""Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar,too. It's unfair that he got seven times more than me!""That's true," shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $7 back when Igot only $2? The wealthy get all the breaks!""Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't getanything at all. The system exploits the poor."The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.The next night he didn't show up for dinner, so the nine sat down and atewithout him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discoveredsomething important. They were $52 short!And that, boys, girls, and college instructors, is how America's tax systemworks. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a taxreduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they justmay not show up at the table any more.After all, there are lots of good restaurants in Switzerland and theCaribbean!
12/28/02: Post by Webmaster
Posted by: BLOWBACK
This site is only for homosexual leftists, socialists, communists, progressives, dope smokers, blame America first types, hippie wannabees, Anti-capitalism types, Marxists, Leninists, Maoists, The French, pro-union morons, environmental terrorists, pacifists, vegans, Berkley graduates, gun grabbers, non-bathers, and the like. All others must go now and never return to this site ever again. You know who you are.
12/28/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Wow... Such harsh words from supposed far left liberal peace loving Birkenstock wearing anti-American hippie wannabees!! What happened to all the nice chanting and bongo playing? The hypocrisy of the left never ceases to amaze me. You guys are a sad group. Where is your lead peace guru carlos at a time like this? What would he say about your breakdown Bob? Did you run out of Prozac BII?
12/27/02: Post by Bob
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Geez fool,I woulda swore up and down your name was "I'm a fucking cunt".You're too much of a pussy to post as yourself.Do the world a favor and kill yourself quickly.We'd be netter off without you.
12/27/02: Post by BIII
Posted by: BLOWBACK
FOOL we're waiting for your response.Did the FOOL give up? We'll have to wait and see. What kind of crazy thing will the FOOL say next?
12/27/02: Post by FOOL
Posted by: BLOWBACK
I wrote the previous three messages. Just wanted to reveal my real identity.
12/27/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Okay boys. I know that you both know how to get in touch with me (*wink*) Ill be in our favorite spot changing my colors again just for you Bob. Love you both and miss you. XOXOXO
12/27/02: Post by Bob
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Please dont be discouraged hack. I get so cranky when Im not getting my love from you, my little sweet brown eye. I miss your kiss.
12/27/02: Post by BIII
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Oh hack, Please come back. Please cum on my butt crack. I miss you so.
12/27/02: Post by BIII
Posted by: BLOWBACK
To the original Hack, please come back, don't be discouraged by the FOOL who wrote message #275.
12/24/02: Post by Bob
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Yes,Joe Strummer's untimely death is a real shocker.The Clash were one of my favorite bands,along with the Ramones and the Colombian Neckties!To the Imp who said those stupid things about Hack.What,you run out of steam and can't present your ideas in a dignified manner so you have to resort to imping and acting like a no good shit? (thank you Robert Anton Wilson)That just shows your true colors.
12/22/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
So as you can plainly see, Bill Clinton does pander to minorities in a blatantly obvious self-serving way. He cares only about his own political career as his pitiful 8 year record in office shows. I defy anyone to name one tangible thing Bill Clinton actually did FOR minorities during his tenure....oh, and one final note; I want to announce to all who would listen that I am a gay man.
12/22/02: Post by hack
Needless to say, messages 268-273 were not from me. After I suggested the email bandit had probably tried to sign in using just plain "Hack" or "hack," he/she apparently decided to try it. OK, the ability to use untraceable aliases, multiple ones at that, and even pose as other specific individuals is an inherent flaw in chat rooms and email lists. Therefore, I'm pretty much signing off this list. Anyone who actually knows me still knows where to reach me. But before I go, I would like to leave you with one news item. Hope this doesn't offend any unnamed person who told me that she couldn't move back to Charleston because there were too many black people there:Clinton to serve as honorary chairman of museum advisers By BRUCE SMITHAssociated Press, 11/20/2002CHARLESTON -- Former President Bill Clinton will serve as honorary chairman of the international advisory board for a planned $37 million national black history museum in Charleston, organizers announced. The Museum of African American History is expected to open in 2007 on a site not far from the Cooper River near the South Carolina Aquarium. "The museum will tell an essential part of America's history; the passage of Africans to the Americas," the former president said in a written statement. "It is a story of great struggles, sacrifices, triumphs and achievements. "Charleston is a logical and significant place to relate this history with respect and honesty." The first black slaves arrived in Charleston in 1670, the same year the Carolina colony was founded. Freemen were given "absolute power" over slaves. Some historians estimate nearly 40 percent of the slaves brought to the United States passed through Charleston. The international advisory board will be important because African and Caribbean history and culture will be part of the story, organizers said. Earlier, museum organizers announced that actors Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis and Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel will also serve on the advisory panel for the project. The steering committee for the museum is headed by U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., the first black congressman elected in South Carolina since Reconstruction. "President Clinton's service as honorary chair of our international board reflects our commitment to make this a world-class project," Clyburn said. "We are thrilled he is willing to serve," Charleston Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr. said. The steering committee will hold its first meeting with the international advisory board early next year, organizers said. A concept for the project developed last year at a planning workshop envisioned a 65,000-square-foot museum. The location has a view of the harbor, where slave ships docked.
12/21/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Sorry Bob. I am just too damn stupid to remember to not keep mentioning your mom. Ya know how it is when your brain is fried.
12/21/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
They call me hack because I smoke too much weed and cough for 30 to 45 minutes straight every morning. Once I coughed up a chunk of resin that I was able to smoke on for 2 days.
12/21/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
...and I have been trying to stop using the internet as a porn vehicle but is is very hard.
12/21/02: Post by Bob
Posted by: BLOWBACK
What the fuck,Hack? How come you keep implicating my family?Is my mom the only conservative person you know?
12/21/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Thanks, "Bob's Brain," "Ms. I'm Not Caroline Sokolosky," Ms. Pseudonym, or whoever you really are. Those impersonations of myself were hilarious. I'm going to save them to my hard drive for whenever I need a laugh. I'm sure you tried to sign in as just plain "hack" but the server told you that name was already taken. Too bad!You know, I hear there are new treatments for multiple-personality disorder...;-)
12/21/02: Post by Officer Hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Goddam is that a funny website or what!!! (whitehouse.org) You lefties are sure a creative bunch. It must be fun living in a make believe world all the time.
12/20/02: Post by Jim Bradey
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Top 10 Reasons to Masturbate for Peace10. It's too hot to go outside and demonstrate9. If I go blind they can't draft me8. The walls need painting white anyway7. This is my weapon...this is my gun...this one's for shootin....oh, never mind. 6. If you want it done right you have to do it yourself5. All the lube will give me a baby-soft dork4. It may be the only "peace" I'll be getting for a while3. If I use my left hand, it feels like someone else has joined my cause2. What else am I going to do with the 80 GB of porn on my PC?1. Because I can't give myself a peace blowjob
12/20/02: Post by Jim Bradey
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Now I'm pissed! What's a good conservative to do if he can't masturbate in peace?I think I'll support these guys... http://www.masturbateforpeace.com "We've entered a time of wars and rumors of wars. Threats of terrorism and mass destruction have filled the world with fear and brought us perilously close to worldwide conflict. From Love Comes Peace: The Power of Self-Love There's no greater antidote for war than love. Feelings of hatred and distrust form the necessary basis of armed confrontation. Replace those negative feelings with love and you're halfway towards resolution of any conflict. However, any real love must start from within. You can't love others without loving yourself first. And, of course, masturbation is the greatest expression of self-love. So it's natural that we, the citizens of the world, are joining together to masturbate for peace. As we begin with this act of self-love, we encourage others to do the same, to take pleasure in life and to share masturbation's positive energy with a world in need." I'm calling on all you conservative people out there!We gotta stop Bush from taking our right to masturbate away!Let's start masturbating,people!!!
12/20/02: Post by Jim Bradey
Posted by: BLOWBACK
OPERATION INFINITE PURITYAn Official Document fromhttp://www.whitehouse.org/initiatives/purity/index.asp President Bush is proud to introduce an ambitious new phase in the fight to preserve all that is decent in America. Conceived and championed by the revered Republican think tank Americans for Purity, "Operation Infinite Purity" is dedicated to the complete eradication of masturbation from American soil by the year 2005. Masturbation is more dangerous than atheism. Doctors of a generation ago knew this, but over the course of recent Democratic administrations, and their prevailing philosophy of "if it feels good, do it" - this problem has spiralled out of control. Myth: Masturbation is harmless. Reality: Medical science proves that chronic masturbation causes weakness, depression, forgetfulness and nearsightedness. Myth: There are bigger problems than masturbation, like drugs and AIDS. Reality: Experts estimate that there are at least 150,000 Americans masturbating RIGHT NOW! Masturbation costs American businesses at least $3.14 billion in lost productivity every month! Myth: Masturbation is not immoral. Reality: Read your Bible. God was so offended when Onan spilled his seed upon the ground that God struck Onan dead! It is true that Onan wasn't masturbating, but the point is that God hates it when men waste sperm, no matter what the reason. Myth: Masturbation is a "Victimless Crime." Reality: Theological experts on masturbation have come to the conclusion that masturbation is what is known as a "gateway" sin. This means that masturbation leads to more serious offenses. In fact, practically all rapists, Sodomites, child molesters and pornography addicts started out as Masturbators. Myth: Americans value their "Freedom" and will never stand for masturbation being outlawed. Reality: Masturbatory devices are already illegal in President Bush's home state Texas. The police in San Antonio and Austin have aggressively enforced this law. Myth: But everyone's doing it! Reality: Surveys have repeatedly shown that up to 5% of Americans don't masturbate. How to stop the current epidemic of Democrat-approved self-abuse in America? We will employ precisely the same tactics, legislation, and get-tough attitude that has been so successful in the War On Drugs. Control of Paraphernalia: Drug abuse has been slashed by the outlawing of drug accessories such as syringes and marijuana pipes. In order to get tough on masturbation, we will eliminate masturbatory paraphernalia. This means outlawing such things as: "Personal Vibrators" and other masturbatory devices such as dildos and blow-up dolls. ALL indecent art. This includes paintings, sculptures and photographs. We don't need the Victoria's Secret catalog! Simple, modest underwear would sell itself and minimize unGodly temptations. Certain food. If we outlaw dildos and require that all sausages, cucumbers and carrots be sold pre-sliced, we will make it much easier for the women among us to resist the temptation to masturbate. Intensive Urine Testing: Science has discovered that men produce sperm cells constantly. All that sperm has to go somewhere! If an unmarried man doesn't masturbate, all the sperm cells he produces end up in his urine. Going forward, all unmarried men will be required to submit frequent urine samples, which will be examined under a microscope. If an unmarried man has a low concentration of sperm cells in his urine, it means he has been having orgasms - and therefore is guilty of either masturbation or fornication and should will be incarcerated. Random urine testing in the War On Drugs has been a very powerful weapon. We will not hesitate to harness it for use in the War On Masturbation! Zero Tolerance: Just as police departments seize the cars and homes of people who are caught with drugs, Operation Infinite Purity calls for the homes and SUVs of people caught masturbating to be taken away without due process and auctioned off, with all proceeds going to augmenting similar anti-masturbation law enforcement. Certain supposedly "primitive" tribes in Africa have completely eliminated masturbation among their women! How was this amazing feat accomplished? Through a very simple operation called a Clitoridectomy, which is analogous to circumcision in the male. A woman who has had a Clitoridectomy is permanently cured of masturbation and other lascivious behavior, and is ready to resume her life as a decent and productive member of American society. Furthermore, Operation Infinite Purity makes Clitoridectomies mandatory for female children (who will never miss the part that is removed if it is done early enough). And surgery isn't just for females! Castration for adult males will become the standard punitive measure for repeat masturbatory offenders.
12/20/02: Post by Officer Hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
I have a sneaky suspicion that there may only be 5 people on this web sites cat room. I have been doing some investigative research and have come to the conclusion that carlos, BIII, Bob and myself are the real McCoys. Every other person is the same person under many different names. I have to conclude this because I am Hack, er, uh, Officer Hack and I know that I am right. Dont believe me? Come with me on a protest march sometime and watch me and my friends shout down any and all opinions that arent in line with our socialist, liberal, one world order agenda. Just like I did to the person using all of these fake names. He doesnt march in line with me so he must be a bad person. He may even be a capitalist, or even worse… a conservative. Lets all chant for him and make a wish on our crystals that hell change his evil ways.
12/20/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
I have been informed by Bob and Bob's Mom, Caroline, that the person writing under the pseudonym "Jim Bradey" is not Caroline. Although I have no way to verify this (unless "Jim Bradey" gives me a phone number or some other way to verify his identity), I choose to take Bob and Caroline at their word. Therefore I want to publicly apologize to Caroline for suggesting that she is "Jim Bradey."I do suspect, however, until provided with proof otherwise, that the pseudonyms "Anti-Blowback," "Anti-Carlos," "Anti-Unions," "Ruling Party," "Ralph Nader," "Jim Bradey," and possibly others, all belong to the same person, whoever that might be. So "Jim," please enlighten us.Happy Holidays, everyone!
12/19/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
On 19 Dec 2002 16:04:22 -0000 QT - Jim Bradey wrote:>Hack. You are a true useful idiot.Thank you. That's quite a compliment, coming from a useless idiot such as yourself.
12/19/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
On 19 Dec 2002 00:02:11 -0000 QT - Jim Bradey wrote:>--QT>>Does it go into the racial makeup and/or social-economic >levels>of the alleged shooters and their alleged victims?Yes. Have >you>ever read the book ÂThe Bell CurveÂ? No.Are you now going >to>accuse me of being a racist Nofor confusing your argument >with the >facts? Huh?want the true meaning of ÂDittoÂ, go to >RushÂs>web site for the explanation. It does not have anything >to do>with agreeing with him or his views. Huh?You should keep >your>friends close and your enemies closer, and then you would >know>what you were talking about.Is that a threat? Please clarify.o do you think you >are>telling me how to spell my name?>In your first message under "James Bradey" you said someone had tried to kill your boss Ronnie. You were obviously making a reference to Reagan's press secretary James Brady, who was also shot. There is no "e" in that "Brady.
12/18/02: Post by Jim Bradey
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Does it go into the racial makeup and/or social-economic levels of the alleged shooters and their alleged victims? Have you ever read the book The Bell Curve? Are you now going to accuse me of being a racist for confusing your argument with the facts? If you want the true meaning of Ditto, go to Rushs web site for the explanation. It does not have anything to do with agreeing with him or his views. You should keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and then you would know what you were talking about. And who do you think you are telling me how to spell my name?Oh, and dont forget, Liberalism is not a philosophy; it's a mental disorder.
12/18/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Even accounting for the difference in population, the rate of gun deaths in the US is ten times that of Canada. Anyone who cares about his or her country would want to try to figure out why. Anyone disturbed by children shooting children would want to look for answers. I didn't say I agree with everything Michael Moore says in the movie or "Ditto, Mike" the way some on the right let Rush Limbaugh think for them, I said I found the movie thought-provoking because it doesn't just blame the usual suspects.By the way, Caroline -- Mrs. Sokolosky -- there is no "e" in "Brady" :-)
12/18/02: Post by Jim Bradey
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Like.. a... gee, I dont know… What is the population of Canada anyway??? Is it more than the US? Should we all just pack up and move to that vast utopian socialist wonder-world of diversity? The borders are wide open. We could just roll on in. I need to see that movie like I need another hole in my head. Michael Moore. That is all I need to know. Because after all, he is such a pillar in the left wing wacko community and couldnt possibly be wrong. Thought provoking? Im sure it is. He tells so many thought-provoking stories. Besides, Sarah wont let me take the wheel chair into crowded movie theatres. I can only sit here like a good little liberal and do stuff like revise history, blame America for all that is bad in the world, decry class warfare, etc. You know, Michael Moore kind of stuff. I just wish I could join the rest of you useful idiots sometime and march on Washington or Seattle or Paris to blame America for everything. It looks like fun!!
12/17/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Well, if you'd actually seen the movie before commenting on it, you'd know that's not Michael Moore's point at all. He doesn't say get rid of all guns, and he explicitly says that he's a member of the NRA and has no problem with someone having a gun in the home for self-protection. The question he asks is what is it about the US that causes us to have so many gun deaths, when Canada, right next door and with as many guns per person as the US, has so few? He explores possible reasons, but he never claims to know the answer.
12/17/02: Post by Jim Bradey
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Oh yeah. Guns are very bad. Guns are evil. Guns kill. I once saw a gun try to kill my boss, Ronnie. I saw news coverage of a gun that was killing people randomly all up and down the east coast. I heard of another gun that went out and killed a deer in Pennsylvania. Round up all the guns to stop the guns from killing and the world will be okay again. Or, elect Michael Moore to the United States Presidency and all will be okay with the world again.
12/16/02: Post by hack
Posted by: BLOWBACK
OK, I finally made it up to Asheville before the record stores closed and picked up the Punk Planet issue with the Blowback interview. I liked it, even though they obivously edited it quite a bit.How can I find Smash magazine, to read your second interview?Saw Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" the same day. Very thought-provoking. Has anyone else on this list seen it? Want to talk about it?
12/14/02: Post by mike
Posted by: BLOWBACK
nah...ghoti hook was an old band and one of the member's "name" was el guapo...anyhoo...i like the site...don't agree with most of it but i like that you guys stand up for what you think is right (that was NOT meant to be a sneaky way to say that you're wrong)
12/12/02: Post by Franklin
Posted by: BLOWBACK
A big prize to whomever can tell me what the connection is between former Rep. Lee Hamilton and convicted drug-trafficker John Hull. Hint: Costa Rica, Oscar Arias, Iran/Contra.
12/10/02: Post by carlos
Posted by: BLOWBACK
I am too lazy. But I agree with just about everything Bob has said. But don't you think agreeing to disagree is pretty lazy too? Or would you rather let that sleeping dog lie?
12/10/02: Post by Anti-Unions
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Wow Bob… Real replies!! Thank you. Thought Id never see it. (Carlos however must be too fucking lazy to read backwards…) Judging from your responses, I am of the opinion that we are at polar opposites in our views and opinions. We can agree to disagree rather than continue with this pissing contest. I can tell that you are firm in your views and like myself; nobody is going to change your mind.
12/10/02: Post by Bob
"Carlos (and Bob). You just prefer to answer questions with more questions"I've never answered one of your questions with a question.Whose the numbnuts now,eh?"Maybe if you had a real job, you could actually see reality."I have a real job.And I do see reality.The reality is,jobs don't pay shit these days and people need to bargin collectively to raise up their standards of living. "What you are describing was when the pendulum swung too far to one direction. This statement is also true for todays unions."Agreed.Unions today are shit who don't give a damn about it's members. I'm in the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) though,and we don't have any leadership positions to rule any other members.The IWW believes the individual has the right to make his or her own decisions,not the international.Also,the IWW doesn't endorse politcal candidates unlike the American Fakers of Labor."The middle is where everyone benefits."I wouldn't say "everyone" benefits.That's a presumption.Do you have cold hard evidence that everyone benefits from the middle?"Open up your mind, you Birkenstock wearing schmuck!"I'm no hippy! By the way,I always thought hippies used phases like "Open up your mind".Maybe you got a some hippy floating around in that brain of yours."That kind of response is so typical of you leftists."What? Sarcasm? And I'm not exactly what you would call a "leftist".Don't believe me? Ask Carlos."You are such extremists."Look who's talking!"By the way Bob, arent you a self-employed musician?"No,I don't play in bands.I use to though,but for fun not money."Dont you work hard for what you earn in this capitalist society?"I work hard.Don't you even dare say I don't.You don't know me.And no,I'm not getting what I'm worth.I feel I'm being underpaid.Hell,when I worked as a manager for a fast food restaurant even the upper managment admitted that we were underpaid for the work we did.And I think that's true for most working people.We're underpaid.This is a capitalist society? Gee,Rush Limbaugh would have you believe we were under socialist rule."Dont you pay your own taxes?"Yep,and the majority of it is being used for things I don't agree with."Arent you outraged when you think about the vermin drug-addicted slime leaching off of the system every time you write those tax payments?"My best friend died from drugs.She wasn't "slime leaching off of the system".No,I'm not outraged at all,I'm more outraged at the anti worker laws.And no,I don't use drugs." What about the illegal aliens flooding into the Border States?"Those "illegals" are some of the hardest working people I've ever encountered who take pride in their work.America would be at a loss if we are to deny them a right to be here."I doubt it very seriously that you would be working for someone else now that you have tasted free enterprise as a self employed musician & businessman."I highly doubt if Blowback considers themselves "businessmen".And a lot of musicians aren't into it as a business.Most people play music 'cause they like to play music."Its about survival of the fittest. That goes for the human race as well."Hmmm,Triumph of the Will,huh? Might is Right? That's exactly what the nazi crowd says.You seem to have alot in common with them.
12/09/02: Post by carlos
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Really, let's see if we can have an actual discussion. Name your points, in priority. Maybe one by one so we can see where we can go. Sure, we probably disagree. Doesn't mean we can't talk. I'm willing if you're willing.
12/09/02: Post by Anti-Unions
Posted by: BLOWBACK
You know what the key points are. This is not your first rodeo, Carlos (and Bob). You just prefer to answer questions with more questions and selectively avoid commenting on points if they dont suit your agenda. Neither of you have answered or addressed a single one. Your silence in these matters is deafening.
12/09/02: Post by carlos
Posted by: BLOWBACK
If you wouldn't mind cutting and pasting but trying to hone in on what you believe are the key points you would like to make. Please try to edit out the ranting so that we can focus on the actual ideas, point/counterpoint. Otherwise we'll end up again at the "you're an asshole", reply: "I know you are but what am I?" and so on.
12/08/02: Post by Anti-Unions
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Start at Message #233 and work your way up... or would you like me to cut-n-paste for you??
12/08/02: Post by carlos
Posted by: BLOWBACK
explain what you're getting out - i think we might even be able to have a dialoguebut we'll talk if you talkotherwise we can rant back and forthso, what are you getting at?
12/08/02: Post by Anti-Unions
Posted by: BLOWBACK
There you go again Carlos. Were not talking about all of the problems in the world now, are we… So which one of you independent musician businessman do the bookkeeping in your company? Are you members of a musicians union? Do you like seeing your taxes go to people who pay nothing into the system all while they strain & drain that same system to it's limits? Stop your chanting for just a minute and look at what is really going on around you.
12/07/02: Post by carlos
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Wow "Anti-Unions," aren't you clever? Why if only we were as clever as you, gee, rather if everyone was as clever as you, there'd be no problems left in the world. Thanks so much for coming to our web-site. You enlighten us so!!
12/06/02: Post by Anti-Unions
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Numb-nuts, I didnt say change the labor laws. Maybe if you had a real job, you could actually see reality. Step away from the amps and open your foolish eyes. The year is 2002 not 1902. What a waste of space you and your kind are. Progressives? What are you calling yourselves today?What you are describing was when the pendulum swung too far to one direction. This statement is also true for todays unions. The middle is where everyone benefits. Open up your mind, you Birkenstock wearing schmuck! That kind of response is so typical of you leftists. You are such extremists. Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think. By the way Bob, arent you a self-employed musician? Dont you work hard for what you earn in this capitalist society? Dont you pay your own taxes? Arent you outraged when you think about the vermin drug-addicted slime leaching off of the system every time you write those tax payments? What about the illegal aliens flooding into the Border States? Do you think about them as well when you write those checks? I doubt it very seriously that you would be working for someone else now that you have tasted free enterprise as a self employed musician & businessman. Look around man. Its about survival of the fittest. That goes for the human race as well.
12/06/02: Post by Bob
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Anti-Unions,Yeah,maybe you're right.Maybe we should go back to the good ole' days. The days of 16+ hours a day. For little pay. Hell,I'm all for it! Sign me up! Maybe I could live on company property. Of course,my rent would be more than what I earned but what the hell. And then I'd get to pay overated prices for food at the company store,but since my pay would be little,I'd have to owe it to the company.And my family and I wouldn't have no health insurance,but that's ok.I wouldn't complain.If I did,I'd be out on the street...if I was lucky.Or maybe they would just call me a "red" and hang me.Yes,complaining wouldn't be an option. Yes,the bosses would own my body and soul but what the hell,capitalism must prevail and it's my patriotic duty to make sure it does!Yes,I think you're right! It sure sounds like a good idea.Where can I sign up?
12/05/02: Post by Anti-Unions
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Cut and paste this, you scum-bags. Boo, Hoo,Hoo... Wah, Wah, Wah... Get a life. Your day has come and gone.Long live the right to work!! Capitalism always prevails over the you owe me union mentality.Why should a few lazy-ass union slobs be allowed to hold the producers in this society hostage? You make me sick.Your so-called rally looks like a good target for a Daisy Cutter…..
12/05/02: Post by Bob
Posted by: BLOWBACK
In case anyones interested:A Call For Action! National Labor Conference Against Taft-Hartley & Union-Busting(December 7, 2002, in San Francisco)Dear Brothers & Sisters,We invite you and your union to participate with us in a national laborconference on Saturday, December 7, 2002 in San Francisco at Mission HighSchool 3750 18th St/Dolores from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.The use of the Taft-Hartley Act by the Bush administration against theInternational Longshore and Warehouse Union is a shot across the bow fororganized labor. Following an 11-day lockout initiated by the PacificMaritime Association, the government is now acting as an enforcer for theseunion-busters. The Bush crew admits it was having private meetings with someof the biggest "union-free" corporations in America to plan strategy on howto defeat the ILWU.But the ILWU is not the only target. According to the Wall Street Journal(October 11, 2002), the Bush administration is considering the possibilityof invoking Taft-Hartley against the United Auto Workers union when theircontracts expire next year. The same is true for many other unions as well.They will seek to justify this because of their war plans in Iraq.AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka lambasted the administration'suse of Taft-Hartley: "If all employers know the administration will rushinwith Taft-Hartley to give them what they want," Trumka stated, "they'll plotand scheme together, they'll figure out what to do, and then the[collective-bargaining] process will be gutted. The employers won't comeandbargain in good faith because there is no incentive to."When Taft-Hartley was first passed in 1947, Phillip Murray of the CIO,called it "a Slave Labor Act." This was no exaggeration. Jim Spinosa,president of the ILWU, has pointed out that, "We fully expect PMA to useall the anti-union provisions of the Taft-Hartley injunction. ...Taft-Hartley gives them 80 days of free shots at the union, and we expectthe employers will be dragging us to court daily, trying to bankrupt theunion and throw our leaders in jail."The Bush cabal is now intent on busting the ILWU, just as Reagan did withthe PATCO union in 1981. Bush is already seeking to eliminate union rightsfor 170,000 federal workers with his union-busting "Homeland Security"Department, forcing major wage and contract concessions on tens of thousandsof airline workers, including binding "baseball arbitrations." He is intenton taking away every right and condition won by labor during the last 50years. Bush also intends to use his drive toward war to justify outlawing strikeaction. The proposed Maritime Security Act and other such repressivemeasures are aimed at weakening and destroying organized labor. When thewarstarts in Iraq, he may seek to militarize the docks to break the ILWU. Hehas now thrown down the gauntlet to all of organized labor.The QUESTION is what will organized labor and the communities do to answerthis challenge? Only with your help and that of your union can we avoid being sitting ducksas the Bush administration plans to break our unions. At our conference,weplan to discuss and lay out a fight-back strategy that includes education,media strategies and action to defend the ILWU and other unions that comeunder attack. This will include the fight against union-busting (not onlywith the Taft-Hartley in maritime but other transportation industries),privatization, contracting-out and the struggle to organize the millionsofunorganized workers.We need to prepare now to go on the offensive. We cannot allow the ILWU tobe picked off and then for Bush to go after the next union. We plan to haveworkshops on Taft-Hartley, the Maritime Security Act, Developing A LaborMedia Campaign, Organizing the Unorganized and Immigrant Workers , and howto develop a strategy to take on these robber barons. We need to be readynow for action when the Taft-Hartley injunction against the longshoreworkers expires. We also need to learn the lessons of the successful fightfor the Charleston 5 in South Carolina, and build on this not onlynationally but internationally.You and your union can play an important part in this effort. Please endorsethis conference and send delegates. Also a financial contribution to makethis conference a success is absolutely critical.We are also planning to have a Northern California Transportation WorkersSolidarity Rally on the evening of December 7 at ILWU Local 10 400 NorthPoint/Mason St. SF at 7:30 PM and hope you can attend this as well.Please let us know if you can endorse this conference and how many delegateswill be attending. We are asking for a registration of $25 a delegate. Noone will be turned away from lack of funds. Also please contact us if youare interested in getting regular information on the battle againstTaft-Hartley and union-busting and if you want to be on our email list.In Solidarity, ILWU InternationalILWU Local 10 San Francisco Labor CouncilAlameda Labor CouncilSouth Bay Labor CouncilIBT Joint Council 7SF Maritime Trades Port CouncilILA1422, Charleston South CarolinaIBU-ILWU Bay Area ChapterNorthern California Media Workers Guild/Typographical UnionMEBA ATU 1555GCIU Local 4 NALC 214UTW-CWACWA9423UA393SUPBART Chapter SEIU 790Labor Committee For Peace & JusticeAlliance For Sustainable Jobs & EnvironmentPort Workers Solidarity CommitteeGlobal ExchangeSF LCLAA
12/05/02: Post by Bob
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Hey Carlos and Blowback (and everyone else),ever heard of Bucky Halker? He does country and alt-rock covers of old union protest songs.Here's his biography from the site:He's tall, lanky, and angular, with a big guitar, a big voice, and big American songs. Singer, talker, teacher, and maybe part preacher. Writer, thinker, and left-wing soapbox agitator. A beer and a shot man with a Ph.D. and a suitcase full of songs and CDs. A student of history, a front man for a bar band. Folksinger, rocker, and alt-country twanger. A renaissance man in the era of the digital chip brain.Bucky Halker was born in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin in 1954, child of working-class parents riding the post-war upwardly mobile boom. Dad parlayed the GI Bill into a BA degree and a down payment on a 1000 watt AM radio station in Wisconsin's hinterlands on the shores of Lake Superior. Ashland--blue-collar, iron ore and lumber town of declining fortunes. Fish-fry Fridays, polkas, Hank Williams, Poles, Norwegians, Indian Reservations, unions, railroads, 12-foot fishin' boats, Swedes, Finns, logging, lakes, rivers, 40 bars on a two-mile red-brick mainstreet, Christmas shopping in Duluth-Superior-- the "Twin Ports," and girls in Angora sweaters listening to transistor radios. Bob Dylan knows this turf. Then came the British Invasion. Liberation army for kids forced to play accordions and pianos. Up with guitars. Bucky buys one with his paper route money and within months he's gigging at teen dances doin' Stones, Ventures, Animals, and Kinks. Ripple wine, marijuana, the counter culture, and social unrest ease on into town, across the great north woods, across Amerika. Bucky's playin' bass on Hendrix, Cream, and original tunes in his band Freedom and discovering the sinful sounds of the acoustic guitar, folk music, Leadbelly, and Woody Guthrie. Otis Spann becomes his keyboard hero. "People drive through Ashland and ask what it was like growin' up in Ashland. Of course, I know what they're getting at 'cause they're urban dweller artists, intellectuals, educated types. They think it's uncivilized, gray, dreary, and frigid as the arctic. But what do they know, really? Hey, I got to drive the car on the frozen lake and learned to crack the windows in the car when you were neckin' in the winter with the engine runnin' so you don't die of carbon monoxide poisoning. Besides, I had a band, girls chased me. I wasn't too smart or too dumb in school, got along with most people, liked runnin' around in the woods like everyone else, had teachers who let me write songs in school, and earned the big "A" letter as an Ashland Oredocker! We weren't all fuckin' idiots you know. All my comrades hated Nixon, George Wallace, the football coach, military leaders, Pat Boone types, and the local mainstreet-racist-asshole-bigot-hypocrite businessmen. Yeah, sure we knew how to hook walleyes. We also knew how to spot an asshole when we saw one, hey?" B-Student Bucky got his Oredocker diploma in 1972. Anxious to grow longer hair, play the guitar, and take his skis down the mountains, he headed to a small college in a cowtown in Idaho. "Heaven with coffee, cigarettes, big ideas, and snow in the higher elevations." He worked on the cafeteria beltline, played acoustic gigs in the area, and drank massive amounts of coffee. He shacked up with his girlfriend (high school sweetheart and soon to be wife), pulled all-nighters in the name of studying history and the liberal arts, and wrote songs in the John Prine-Steve Goodman-Woody Guthrie mold. From there Bucky headed to graduate school at the University of Minnesota in 1976. A serious and skilled student of history at this point, the university footed the bill for his studies, which quickly began to focus on American labor and working-class history. He fooled the department into thinking labor protest songs were as important as studying fat labor-union officials. They even let him complete an MA and Ph.D. At the same time he kept writing songs and gigging around Minneapolis-St. Paul. "Then I got the fuck out of Dodge. I got a teaching job in Idaho, got divorced, got real serious about music, fell in love with the punk-new-wave thing, got smitten by an English major, and didn't go back to the University of Minnesota again, except to defend my dissertation. Women and rock and roll got the best of me, and I'm damn happy and lucky they did." After a couple years teaching college in Idaho, Bucky followed the path of itinerant professor and wandering troubadour. He headed to Chicago in 1982 and to Ashland, Wisconsin for a couple years. He fronted a bar band and did acoustic gigs. In 1984 he released A Sense of Place, a album of acoustic originals. Step n' Blue, his second LP, a collection of acoustic and electric blues and folk songs, followed in 1986. Bucky taught at Albion College in Michigan at the time, but when the funds for the position dried up he was back in Chicago. Piecing together his food and rent with part-time teaching and music gigs, Bucky also happened upon The Remainders, a band doing covers of tex-mex, zydeco, cajun, and New Orleans R&B tunes. "I auditioned and they gave me the job of lead guitar player and singer. I liked the material and the idea, but what made this into a really good band was adding Rich Parenti on sax and vocals and Buddha Slim on accordion and keyboards. We also started doing my material. The band took off." In fact, it became one of Chicago's popular bands in the early 1990s, garnered considerable media attention, and toured regionally. Just as it disbanded in 1993 the band released its only disc, The Remainders. Bucky also continued other pursuits. Never one to sit idly, he authored a book For Democracy, Workers, and God: Labor Song-Poems and Labor Protest, 1865-1895 (University of Illinois Press, 1991) and recorded a companion cassette American Labor Songs with commentary for the press two years later. He also was invited to lecture and perform in Europe in 1990, a practice which has since become an annual event. Trekking across Europe with his guitar, the songs of American labor, his own compositions, and a train ticket, Bucky found a ready audience and critical acclaim for his work. "What musician wouldn't feel good after getting four encores from a full house in the evening and a glowing review in a major newspaper the next morning?" In the fall of 1993 Bucky headed to the coast of Maine at the very moment his solo acoustic CD Human Geography came out. "The Remainders had dissolved, I was mad at the glaciers for leaving Illinois flat, and I was dying to paddle a canoe and stack the firewood. My girlfriend got a job offer on the Maine coast, we loaded the Ryder truck and saw Chicago in the rearview mirror by 7:00 AM. Flight can be so therapeutic and it's typically American. Within a week I was writing new songs, fillin' the woodstove, and eatin' lobsters from the local traps. Trying to promote the record and get gigs was another matter all together. If I hadn't spent two month touring in Europe I would have starved." Beautiful environments can be economically tough and Maine proved no exception. Back in Chicago the next fall and totally broke, Bucky boldly made plans for another CD. "Hey, I knew I was broke and I knew that making a CD would be very hard, but I didn't feel like I had a choice. It was that simple. My debt level skyrocketed, I couldn't find decent gigs or a day job, and my love life was failing, but I had to continue." What followed was Passion, Politics, Love, a CD released in the US (Whitehouse, 1997) and Europe (Brambus, Switzerland, 1997). The recording drew rave reviews and got heavy airplay in the US, Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria. "I can say that I honestly felt like I might die while I was finishing this CD and struggling with record companies. I can laugh now and say it was worth it. I avoided debtor's prison, I fell in love again and got married, and I still believe this is a distinctive, well-conceived, first-rate recording." Bucky's been keepin' an active musical schedule since 1997. He's been doing more and more concerts in the US and Europe on American labor-protest music. He was invited to join the Illinois Humanities Council's speakers bureau in 1997 and has been spreading the musical gospel of Guthrie, Joe Hill, T-Bone Slim, and other worker bards ever since. He's done labor music concerts at the Illinois State Fair, the Chicago Historical Society, and the Illinois AFL-CIO state convention, with a lot of libraries, museums, and historical societies in between. Bucky's also been writing material on labor music for a variety of publications. His songs have appeared on several compilations and the song "Poverty's Lament" recently surfaced in the grade-C soft-porn TV movie "The Last Road." "You gotta see that one, but record it on video first so you can fast forward." In 1999 Bucky and the Complete Unknowns recorded "Don't Want Your Millions". The CD featured labor protest songs from 1886-1950. Leadbelly, Joe Hill, Guthrie and lesser known and anonymous writers. "I looked around and saw Pete Seeger, Utah Philips, and Joe Glazer getting older. I thought to myself, shit Bucky, you've been playin' Guthrie and Leadbelly since you were 16 and researching this music for over 25 years, why don't you just make a CD. You know more about these songs and have been playin' 'em longer than anyone out there under 60." Time for the tall and lanky man with the big voice and big guitar to do some singin' and preachin' 'bout the truth. Released in 1999 in Europe, and in the US in 2000, the recording proved the perfect follow up to his previous CD. European and American publications praised the record and it received heavy airplay on both continents. The band's tour of Europe in 1999 to promote the CD also garnered rave reviews. With a trio that included Tom Piekarski (Bad Examples) on bass, and Unknown veteran Drew Enselman on drums, the band returned for another tour in 2000. "Something worked right 'cause we got two tours of Europe out of that CD. Hell, I even got some royalty and BMI checks for this recording. I don't want your millions, but can I quit my day job? And how 'bout a beer and a shot?" What next? Late in the fall of 2001, while preparing for work on a new CD of originals, Bucky started messing around with the idea of a CD devoted to labor songs from Illinois. "Illinois, and Chicago in particular, produced more working-class protest poetry and music than any other place, with the possible exception of Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, with the exception of a few songs like "Solidarity Forever," nobody knows this material exists. In early 2002 I sent a letter to the state AFL-CIO head, Margaret Blackshere, and asked if they might help fund such a CD. Bless her soul, she called and said yes." The result is "Welcome to Labor Land." Finished in time for the state AFL-CIO convention in September, the CD features Illinois labor protest songs from 1865-1955. Halker's joined by the Complete Unknowns, a lineup that includes guitar master Marshall Dawson (Spies Who Surf), bassist Dan Polonsky (Box 'o Car), and Mr. Steady himself, drummer Drew Enselman. Don Stiernberg sits in on the mandolin and fiddle for a few cuts. And, engineer Steve Rashid, adds some well-chosen piano, harmonica, and Hammond organ riffs to several tracks. "I made this recording without stopping to take a breath. I do know that it's a very important historical documentation of working-class music and literature that's been overlooked by everyone--scholars, musicians, folk nazis, geeks, and labor supporters included. I also know that the band, Don, and Steve really came through. Hopefully these last two CDs will get more people to look at and listen to this material and encourage other musicians and unions to look into the working-class musical and poetic past." Brambus Records, Switzerland, released the CD in Europe in October 2002.http://www.buckyhalker.com
12/05/02: Post by Señor
Posted by: BLOWBACK
Hey Hack -- A few of the Radio Blowback shows are on tape but not CD. I hope to bring the show back to life in a way so that you can listen to the shows at any time off the site. Will keep ya posted. In the meantime, if there's any music in particular you wanna check out, just lemme know.
12/04/02: Post by Bob
Posted by: BLOWBACK
I remember a "Ghoti Fish". Are you referring to that long defunct Charleston\Columbia paper?